
April 12, 2007

Edmonton is a fun city to live in if YOU are not boring!

I live and study in the capital of Alberta, the stereotyped not-so-cool-to-live-in Edmonton according to many. If you think Edmonton is boring, I have a little piece of advice for you: a boring person can't be entertained anywhere in the world. So, work on yourself instead of criticizing what the city has to offer!

You might suffer from variations of depression if you wait for the good events to knock on your door. I have heard the, "So, why move from Toronto to Edmonton?" many times from people with different backgrounds. Well, if your only entertainment is to hang up with your Iranian buddies in Toronto, and go from restaurant to coffee-shop back to a restaurant and then gather in a house party, you probably aren't living Toronto's cultural life to the fullest anyways.

You are the person who makes your life fun and entertaining. If you are an outgoing person, you will find plenty of activities to enjoy in Edmonton. There are concerts under the sky, celebrity concerts, estivals, good restaurants, vicinity to the beautiful Canadian Rockies, and much much more. The city is amazingly green and beautiful in summer time. You can't be bored in this city unless you are boring yourself!

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April 05, 2007


Many good things happen to you when you don't care too much about them. Many good things happen to you when you least expect them.

Last term, I had a course with a heavy course work. The competition was tough and the instructor kept mentioning that he will sort the students and mark them based on their rank. If I am not mistaken, he also mentioned that a prefixed percentage of the students will get a low mark. All of the 40 students wanted to rank among the top and earn an A/A+. I thought that being in a tense competition with your fellow classmates was a counter-productive experience. I worked hard, but I didn't overkill myself for a high mark. I got an unexpected high mark at the end. One of my buddies, who consistently kept mentioning that he wanted to "kick ass" in the class, couldn't really understand why I didn't have his competitive attitude. I do possess a competitive attitude and like to put myself under different tests constantly. I just didn't feel that this competition was productive. Anyways, my buddy told me once that perhaps my success was a result of my easy-going attitude toward the competition in that course. That could be true, because every other time that high marks have been important to me (the instances are many), I have scored unreasonably low.

This term many good (non-academic and academic) things happened to me when I expected them the least. For personal reasons, I won't go through the details over a public domain.

But I wonder: Is there a rule that asserts good things happen when you least expect them or care about them?
