Why is it difficult for some to set-up a mailing list correctly? A professor asks a few questions from the conference organizers, and the question is sent to the whole group. He has correctly chosen the "Reply to", not the "Reply All" whatever. Why am I in that list anyways?
Thank you for the email. I have a question regarding the conference: does
paper submission mean giving a talk? Are travel expenses covered?
I work in the field of computational biology / systems biology and have done
control stuff in the context of cancer. So I would be interested, but
haven't been able to find a lot of info on the web page (most pages still
under construction). Please let me know.
Thank you very much,
[Name Removed by the Blog Owner]
Associate Professor
Department of [Name Removed by the Blog Owner]
[School Address Removed by the Blog Owner]
-----Original Message-----
From: ies-conf-bounces@listas.us.es [mailto:ies-conf-bounces@listas.us.es]
On Behalf Of ies-conf@listas.us.es
Sent: Thursday, February 09, 2006 11:04 AM
To: ies-conf@listas.us.es
Subject: IEEE-IECON2006, the submission system is now open
Dear friends and colleagues,
It is our pleasure to announce you the 32th IEEE Industrial Electronics
Conference (IECON'2006) that will be held in Paris (France) on November
7-10, 2006.
All the details on the conference (call for papers, special sessions,
tutorials and so on) can be found on the following website:
You are kindly invited to respect the submission (full paper of 6 pages)
March 27, 2006.
The tutorials will be organized on November 6, 2006 due the facility
We also inform you that you can propose special sessions. Special sessions
within IECON'2006 have to be considered as complement to the regular
program with emerging topics of interest to the industrial electronics
community. Special sessions that emphasize on multi-disciplinary aspects
as well as cutting-edge topics are especially encouraged.
We look forward to meeting you in Paris in November 2006.
PS: If you have any question on the conference, do not hesitate to contact
Gerard-Andre Capolino
Leopoldo Garcia-Franquelo
General co-chairs IECON'2006