{medical.doctors} Ulnar nerve
This post is boring to most of my friends. I am asking it here, since I think the Canadian health care system is very stupid and will take a lot to see a specialist. I am sure those of you with an MD degree (or even if you still are studying towards your MD degree) would know more than the physicians I have been to.
So, here is my problem. I feel "pins and needles" constantly in my little finger. At some point my ring finger also was numb, but hopefully after some precautions (not leaning on my elbow too often), my ring finger is back to normal sensations. Apparantly, I have been pressing too severly for too long on my Ulnar nerves. To avoid a surgury, I would do whatever to release that nerve from touching the funny bone. Here is how you can help me. Tell me in what arm postures, I should keep my arm. For the record, I will not be typing with two hands from now on. Also, if you could tell me if strengthening some muscles would help isolate the funny bone from the nerve, I may be able to retrieve the normal sensations. Thanks.
The source of these information is not the physicial who considered me a two year kid, I googled it and found this.
So, here is my problem. I feel "pins and needles" constantly in my little finger. At some point my ring finger also was numb, but hopefully after some precautions (not leaning on my elbow too often), my ring finger is back to normal sensations. Apparantly, I have been pressing too severly for too long on my Ulnar nerves. To avoid a surgury, I would do whatever to release that nerve from touching the funny bone. Here is how you can help me. Tell me in what arm postures, I should keep my arm. For the record, I will not be typing with two hands from now on. Also, if you could tell me if strengthening some muscles would help isolate the funny bone from the nerve, I may be able to retrieve the normal sensations. Thanks.
The source of these information is not the physicial who considered me a two year kid, I googled it and found this.
aziz jan sai kon ke elbow to flex ke mikoni vazneti roosh nazri, ye brace ham az balatar az elbow ta mid hand beband o age giret miyad diclofenac yaa ibuprophen o ya asprin masraf kon haalate neutral elbow taghriban 100 darjae yaa ye hamchin chizi hastesh roosh vazn nazaar o behesh esterahat bede vo dar zemn bikhiyale mansoor besho!rahe avvalie cast hastesh ke byad gach bgiim o bdesham amale jarrahi!shayadam aslan be in sheddat nistesh oyr bursite sade baashe dar har soorat advil yaa ibprofen o diclofenac on in gol sh'er haa koak et mikone
Momentary Laps of VIsin, At
10/06/2005 4:54 PM
evidently it's too late for prevention, still :
Anonymous, At
10/06/2005 6:47 PM
Azad joon,
Ring finger has a whole other story! It only means you are afraid getting married! Nothing serious buddy!
Plus, surgeries are bad! Take it from me!
The City Gal, At
10/07/2005 10:15 AM
thanks much for ur comments. I have to be short ;)
Azad, At
10/07/2005 10:20 AM
Why didn't you say that then marde hesabi? I'll give you a call!
Farid, At
10/07/2005 11:44 AM
تقصیر خودت بود گفتی پشتکارت خوبه قضا بلا برات رسید
ولی گذشته از شوخی ... اگه برات ممکنه یه مدت به دستت استراحت بده مثلا نوشتنی، تایپی بعد هم قرص مرص خوب نیست آدم به جز مواقع مرگ (دور از جون) نباید بخوره
., At
10/07/2005 3:17 PM
Get well soon and take a good care of yourself...
Suchness of The Moment, At
10/07/2005 11:16 PM
ooooooooooooo.it is a nice topic.it is adisease of typist.the best treatment is rest and do less work with involved hand.or u can use brase that cover ur wrist and hand.
Anonymous, At
10/08/2005 4:25 PM
there is software that locks the computer after every 10 (or x) minutes of typing so that your arms and fingers can rest. It comes default on linux but I think you can get it for windows also.
Use it.
Anonymous, At
10/10/2005 2:47 PM
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