{urban.life} Movie Mongers

Flightplan opens in two days, but we saw it today thanks to Tibby and his Movie Mongers club at our school. I don't know how I sneaked into their club, but they offer some pre-screening promotional tickets (yes, for free!) and this time it was a movie I would have even paid to watch in my favorite theatre, Paramount! Their announcement came into my mailbox half an hour before the club's deadline and somehow magically there were still tickets left. Strangely enough, I wanted to watch another movie tonight, Ten by Abbas Kiarostami, which was played by our school's Iranian students association. I assume I can always watch the other one (perhaps will borrow the DVD from my friends). It feels so good to watch a big hit movie for free. If you liked Panic Room, you would definitely like Flighplan as well. Jodi Foster is perfect as always. Though, the ending is way too happy.
salaam azad!
delam baraat tang shode
ye aalam khabar daaram ke behet begam
boos ye aalame
Momentary Laps of VIsin, At
9/22/2005 5:12 PM
Arz shavad ke goftam chand vaghte man comment nadadam, didam zeshte.
Farid, At
9/22/2005 5:35 PM
Farhad, khob email bezan khabaraato begoo shaaskool! Az farte haiajaane kaazeb shodam eine binandeye matloobe filmaaye masalan tarsnaake hollywood.
Amou farid, na azizam in harfaa chie, see u soon.
Azad, At
9/23/2005 3:00 AM
Farid, At
9/24/2005 7:42 PM
azad to ham khoob baladi pinglish benevisia.mordim az bas english neveshti.yekam ham farsi benevis.
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