{daily.zen} A Guy Called Harry

Harry Potter? No, not that Harry. It's another guy called Harry, the quiet and calm Saeed Harati. Why did we call him Harry? I don't know, we were not and are not pro American. Far from it. Maybe because there were lots of Saeed's in our highschool, but only one was Saeed Harati. Only one was Harry.
He sent me a deep gmail and I want to share the philosophy with others:
Quote: "It's good to think of writing to you. The problem, I dont like words. Just the communication itself ;]"
mmmmmmmm.nice.[It's good to think of writing to you.] IT HAS DIFFERENT MEANING.
Anonymous, At
8/27/2005 4:55 AM
wow!I love that guy, how is he, where the f...he lives?
Momentary Laps of VIsin, At
8/27/2005 9:07 AM
He really doesn’t like words, does he? Is that the whole email then?
Farhad you realise Harry is not the one in the picture right? You still wanna know where he lives?
I best go now; I’ve asked too many questions I think.
Shirin, At
8/27/2005 9:39 AM
It was almost Steve Perry in college, not Tommy Lee
But then Tommy pulled his pants down in the meeting, and the rest is history. Well, OK, it didn't really happen like that, but it was actually ex-Journey singer Steve Perry who was considered for the role on ...
Don't Look Back.
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Anonymous, At
8/27/2005 9:56 AM
خبر خبر :خبر تازه:ایهالناس فرید داره بر می گرده.شما ها که دستتون بهش می رسه برید سریع سراغش .سوغاتیاتونو تا هپلی هپو نکرده ازش بگیرید.ببخشید آقا آزاد بی ربط با موضوع کامنت دادم.اونم اووووووه فارسی.
Anonymous, At
8/28/2005 3:40 AM
hey farhad!
thanks pal
and seems we're still in the same f :>
hi everyone, feels cool being famous ;]
Anonymous, At
8/28/2005 1:00 PM
Thanks all for your comments. I have had a good weekend so far, except for a lab meeting (yeah on weekend!) which was not that pleasant, but it's over. Anyways, I haven't been at the PC much to reply your comments.
Farhad and Saeed, I am glad that you are in touch through here. Feels good.
Mahsa, don worry. We will strip Farid down to the last chocolate.
Shirin, his second gmail (which I will not cast here) says that he does like words. Sometimes at least. :-)
Azad, At
8/28/2005 1:33 PM
Set some chocolate aside for me as well, I LOVEEEEE chocolate :P
Suchness of The Moment, At
8/28/2005 10:55 PM
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