{photography.nature} Sweet Cherries

Bought from China town (Dundas and Spadina), the above cherry was singularly the sweetest cherry I have eaten in Toronto.
While playing around with colours, I was thinking to myself how cruel we are to neglect the colour in computer vision and work with gray-scale images. For me, the following two images have different depth perceptions and their only difference is in the local colour information. Motion information exist and that helps in the creation of a depth map, but we often neglect the importance of colour.
dear azad
the cherry was so beautiful that i could tast it:)
nooshe jan
Anonymous, At
6/28/2005 8:10 AM
oh....by the way,i don't undrestand the 2th pic's.what do u want to say?
Anonymous, At
6/28/2005 8:19 AM
Did you taste the cherry first or took the picture first? How did you know it was going to be the sweetest cherry before you ate it? :)
The City Gal, At
6/28/2005 1:15 PM
Is this ma mom visiting me here? :D
Sky, I first posted the photo then took the photo and then ate the poor sweet cherry. :-) I thought it would be obvious so I didn't explain ...
Azad, At
6/28/2005 2:49 PM
Are we still having fun with the Camera? :)
Anonymous, At
6/28/2005 4:39 PM
oh yeah ... I am having a lot of fun and started a Flickr account to share my digital photos with others. :X :X
Azad, At
6/28/2005 7:04 PM
"I first posted the photo then took the photo".
How is that possible? You posted it before you took the photo?
The City Gal, At
6/29/2005 10:04 AM
Yes Sky, just bend the time and everything would be possible.
We often bound ourselves with axioms that can be bypassd. There are many other examples. Like the axiom that two parallel lines do not meet. Oh yes they do (in projective Geometry and not Euclidean Geometry), and that's what you see everyday. Two parallel lines that meet or will meet at a vanishing point.
So I can first answer your question then you ask it, and all this could have happened before I posted the photo, but the time stamps would not come from the same watch. Just bend the time. If you think that I have lost my mind, just bend your straight thought and you will see what I am saying :-P
Azad, At
6/29/2005 6:28 PM
mahshare,karet 20
Anonymous, At
6/30/2005 4:36 PM
merci mahsa, kolli khosh haal shodam, rasti to kodoom mahsa i?
Azad, At
6/30/2005 5:48 PM
man webloge farido mikhoonam,az oonja webloge shoma ham didam.mesle inke weblogesh ghot zade.
Anonymous, At
7/02/2005 5:35 PM
oh ok, merci Mahsa ke tozih dadi ... are farid ghesmate commentaash ro taghir daade. Man ham albatteh ageh comment e movaafegh nabinam delete mikonam :D j/k
Azad, At
7/03/2005 2:25 AM
kolan ghati shode.aslan nemishe arshivesho baz kard.
Anonymous, At
7/03/2005 4:42 PM
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