Non-citizenship Requirement for Google Summer of Code
If you are an open source programmer and you want to send an application to Google Summer of Code, don't be a citizen of Iran, Syria, Cuba, Sudan, North Korea and Myanmar (Burma). Well, you can always code for them for free if you are a citizen of those certain countries. They don't have a problem with you, they have a problem with engaging in commerce with you, if you are a citizen of those certain countries.
Something smells wrong here. Hmmm, engaging in commerce with an open source programmer, perhaps? Now, you ask me what commerce means "exactly".
It exactly means, "the buying and selling of goods, especially on a large scale."
So, in this case the "goods" would be your programming skills and your summer time. Given that many would download and use your code through Google, Google would be selling it for free on a large scale. There you go, that's how an open source programmer would "engage in commerce" with Google or better put, that's how Google would engage in commerce with an open source programmer. Read more about it and post your comments here.
Who's not eligible to participate as a student in Google Summer of Code? [+]
"Google employees, interns, contractors, family members, or citizens of Iran, Syria, Cuba, Sudan, North Korea and Myanmar (Burma), with whom we are prohibited by U.S. law from engaging in commerce, are ineligible to participate. Mentoring organizations that are taking part in Google Summer of Code may add additional stipulations regarding which students may participate in the program under their auspices."
Labels: Google, opensource, soc
This is not ture. I know Iranian people who are going to Google as interns (This summer).
Farid, At
3/14/2007 5:01 PM
Well, I don't know. Maybe those you know have dual citizenship. Maybe one could work for Google, but could not receive a summer stipend, I really don't know and I am not making this up. See the SoC webpages.
Okay, one other thing. I know for a fact that two years ago an Iranian friend of mine (who didn't have dual citizenship) was coding and being paid under the Google Summer of Code. I am suspecting that they would not accept applications from citizens of those certain countries anymore.
Azad, At
3/14/2007 6:04 PM
You didn't pay attention to the "This summer" part dude.
That's just weird!
Farid, At
3/14/2007 10:17 PM
I did, but I still don't get your point. And I don't know what's "just weird". Anyways, I am hoping that they don't impose any restrictions for those students who want to get summer projects.
Azad, At
3/17/2007 7:49 AM
The information Google provided, was just weird!
p.s. ahvalet chetore amoo? khoshed has?
Farid, At
3/18/2007 10:30 PM
Well said.
Anonymous, At
11/10/2008 9:17 AM
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