{kitchen.dessert} Mixed-fruit brownie

Well, the title of this post was supposed to be mixed-fruit brownie: the story of a good-looking guy, but here, I change it to mixed-fruit brownie: the story of a not-so-good-looking burned cake!
I guess I mentioned somewhere that I overheated the brownie and it didn't turn out as well as the other one. According to some, the beginner's chance played the major role in the taste of the first one. Anyways, the top-left picture shows adding apricot wedges, the top-right shows adding nectarine wedges, the bottom-left shows adding bannana slices, and finally the bottom-right shows what can be made with the fruit left-overs! I first wanted to write my name on the cake, and then I thought what the hell, I can draw my portrait! I am neither a good cook nor a good painter. I swear I look better than this dude. At least my ears aren't so red.
can I have the burnt cacke please?
I love burnt cakes.....
The City Gal, At
7/25/2005 1:09 PM
وای دهنم آب افتاد.مممممممممم.حالا اینارو کی می خواد بخوره؟.این همه کیککککککک.چرا اینقدر قهوهای شده؟سوخته یا کاکائوش زیاد بوده؟به هر حال خسته نباشید.
Anonymous, At
7/25/2005 1:38 PM
Wow, I love to be there now. Can I have more or not?
Farid, At
7/25/2005 1:45 PM
Sky, the images are before placing it in the oven! After that, there was not much left to take a photo. I am glad that the fire department didn't arrive! Anyways, you guys should bear with me till I figure out how to bake cakes (delicious ones).
Mahsa, brownies (as the name suggests) are full of cacao. The taste is a bit different from choclate cake, but the same context.
Azad, At
7/25/2005 1:56 PM
Amou Farid, the one that you had the other day was better. Much of this one went in the garbage bin and the rest is still in my stomach.
Azad, At
7/25/2005 1:58 PM
oh, man!
What are you guys up to, for the long weekend?
Will you bake if we arrange a get-together?
The City Gal, At
7/25/2005 2:10 PM
Is today a holiday? Or is it next week?
Azad, At
7/25/2005 2:14 PM
next week :)
The City Gal, At
7/25/2005 2:35 PM
ah ah! I'm out! azad baa in vaziyat sho'ar peidaa nemikoni haa, mimooni vare delemoon, zood tar dast be kaar sho vo khoobesh o bebpaz
Momentary Laps of VIsin, At
7/25/2005 2:58 PM
I propose a Pot Luck at my place.
Farid? Omid?
The City Gal, At
7/25/2005 3:23 PM
نگفتی این کیکارو کی خورد؟
Anonymous, At
7/25/2005 3:46 PM
Sky, let me get my chapters together till the end of the week and see if I really can afford a break. Farid, Ali, Omid, update us with your plans. Behdad will also be back next week, so we have all the reasons to celebrate. I will tell Farsheed and Maryam, but since it's the last long weekend in summer, people may have other plans...
Ali, it doesn't take long to bake cakes. With all preparations and photo shooting, this one took less than 90 mins. Wasaga Beach would have taken at least a day. Did you go?
Mahsa, most of the cake was burned. The rest was eaten all by myslef! So, don't envy those who are in Toronto for the cake. You didn't miss much.
Azad, At
7/25/2005 9:11 PM
خیالم راحت شد.
Anonymous, At
7/26/2005 5:18 AM
Azad, here are my plans (all tentative) for the rest of the week:
1-I have promissed to take my friend Soosan (EE prof. at your university) and her husband Farinam out shooting this weekend. The details are not fixed yet. I am to meet them for dinner tonight and fix a plan.
2-I am up for a potluck anytime except for tonight. Thanks for the initiative Sky.
3-I am up for camping too but I have to make sure it will not conflict with the shooting plan above.
4-You (as weel as Sky and Farid) are invited to join the shooting party too.
5- God bless America!
Anonymous, At
7/26/2005 12:20 PM
Thanks Omid for shooting invitation. I have to work on my thesis and I would only join you and others for the potluck anytime during the long weekend. You guys have a good time at outdoor activities.
Azad, At
7/26/2005 2:29 PM
The Biggest Event of the year...
Sale..... Sale
Buy 1 Azad, get one free!
Satisfaction guaranteed
Deadline: While the quality lasts....
And this is how the friends sell the other friends ;) :D
Farid, At
7/26/2005 3:42 PM
I want to go shooting!
The City Gal, At
7/26/2005 3:58 PM
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