{sports.hockey} Go Oilers Go

Edmonton Oilers made history by eliminating the giant Detroit Red Wings in game 6 of the first round of Stanley Cup playoffs (NHL). They were down 2-0, but magically managed to score four goals in the thrid period to win 4-3. Instantly after the game, Whyte Ave was full of die-hard Oilers fans that were celebrating and high-fiving each other, singing songs, and making all the noise in the world.

I did not get more than 35 mins of sleep since 24 hours before the game due to working on the OS assignment. This didn't prevent me from going out on Whyte Ave and cheer for Oilers. I liked their integrity and focus during the series. They were far from being lucky to win the series. They have advnaced to the Western Conf semi-finals, where they would face either Calgary Flames or San Jose Sharks. Calgary is right now tied 3-3 against Anaheim. Game 7 is in Calgary on Wed. We shall wait and see what happens there.
The whole atmosphere in Edmonton reminded me of Novermber 1997, when Iran's Team-Melli advanced to 1998 World Cup by eliminating Australia. The crowd here were as gorgeous as those in Tehran. The same pattern, cars, screams, and re-juvenated streets. I couldn't stay long though, so I missed clubbing after that (and I wasn't wearing an Oilers jersey, that feels bad with many are wearing them!). Oh by the way, I have some pretty cool short videos of street celebration.
Anyone knows how I can post them here?
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