{human.male} that strange thing

-It can turn into a thermometer in under -20C weather;
-It can show that you know a lot (esp. when you scratch it);
-It can increase your maturity; yet it can decrease your maturity if you spend more than 46 minutes for shaving it according to a design;
-It can show that you are fashionable or cool if you change the style every once in a while; It can show you are negligent about your looks if you don't trimm it;
-It can show that you belong to a certain religion (combined with lack of mustache for example);
-It can hide your age; yet it can reveal your age if you are under 20 or above 60;
-It can swallow the eraser you are playing with during a a confusing lecture; it can spit erasers (among other things) when you shampoo it;
-It can get sweet after eating ice cream; or red if ketchup's on your meal;
-It can tickle someone pleasingly at certain situations; It can annoy a newly born kid;
It can do so many strange paradoxical things. It's the strangest thing about us.
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